Specializing in Turnkey HOA Construction,
Maintenance, Hardscapes & Parks

Landscape Construction


Hou-Scape provides a full range of Landscape services including award-winning grounds maintenance, landscape design and construction, annual color and specialty flowers. We can address our customer's design needs from the most basic landscape plan to complex, multi-faceted architectural designs.

Hou-Scape has decades of experience in the landscaping business plus a working team who are committed to creating the outdoor living space that our customers want.

Landscape Landscape Landscape
Landscape Landscape Landscape


Hou-Scape has established one of the premier landscape construction services available in Houston. With more than 170 full-time employees and contractors, our company supports businesses across Harris, Montgomery, and Galveston counties. The construction division alone constitutes one of the largest concentrations of landscape construction knowledge and wide-ranging experience in the industry.

We provide:

  • Tree services
  • Large acreage mowing
  • Hardscape and stonework playground and splash pools
  • In-ground swimming pools

Construction Construction Construction
Construction Construction Construction
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